Ballerina-Inspired Bridal Portraits, Tempe, AZ | Mimi


As a very young girl, I found something so beautiful about ballerinas and I couldn't help but want to follow in their pointe shoe footsteps! I think my love of ballerinas all started when my mother read the book, "Ballet Shoes" by Noel Streatfeild to my sister and I, and it was enhanced every Christmas when my grandmother would take us to the Fox Theater to see The Nutcracker. Unfortunately, I never got past the admiration stage because I quickly realized that I didn't quite have the natural grace required for the ballet and that I'd rather just sing along with Elton John's Tiny Dancer!

"Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand

And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand"

I am on my tippy toes excited to share this ballerina-inspired bridal session, where I was able to shoot alongside the crazy talented Mike Colon, and I had the opportunity to collaborate with some of the most incredible vendors! My heart is all aflutter with the marrying of a graceful ballerina with the elegance of a bride and it all takes place in a setting that is overflowing with natural beauty and romance. The vintage-inspired couture dress from Atelier Des Modistes swayed softly and beautifully with the our ballerina, Mimi's, movement and the ethereal and bohemian bouquet by Wish Social Events was simple and divine!

Stylist: Wish Social Events

Hair + Makeup: Lillian Fogel of The Lillie Rose

Florist: Wish Social Events

Gown: Atelier Des Modistes in San Francisco, CA

Venue: Phoenix Marriott Tempe at the Buttes

Special Thanks to: Ballet Arizona

Photographer: Courtney Carolyn Photography

I hope you enjoy some of my absolute favorites from the Ballerina-Inspired Bridal Session!


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