Why I'm a Wedding Photographer | Mission Statement


Why I'm a Wedding Photographer

During the past couple of months I have been working hard and digging deep in order to give my website and my brand a bit of a refresh! It’s crazy how much your mindset and style can shift, even in just one year, and how some small updates can really reflect all the personal and professional growth that’s taken place.⠀

One of my focuses has been on why I am a wedding photographer, what is it that makes me different, and what I believe. I thought I’d share a small piece of what I’ve come up with so far and share my "why." 

If we want to be all technical, this is what most businesses refer to as their mission statement!


It is my mission to provide tangible evidence of the love that exists in people's lives through beautiful imagery. It is my hope that the photographs I capture will hang on the walls of your home and serve as tangible reminders of the love you have for one another . . .


On your first or fiftieth anniversary, I want you to sit down with your wedding album and feel the photographs in your hands and have all the love and unfiltered emotion come back to you. It will be as if time has frozen and these moments live on forever. In hard times, I hope you look at the images from the "Best Day Ever" and they give you strength and comfort to face any challenges life throws your way. The picture framed on the mantel will remind you of the vows you made to one-another and will renew and inspire your sense of adventure . . .


It is my hope that, in some small way, when you see the photo of your joyful faces, full of raw love and dreams of the future together, it will remind you to live out your vows every. single. day. I hope your children look upon your happy faces and know in their hearts that their story started with love and know that love is a legacy, passed from one generation to the next. I believe that by providing tangible evidence of the love that exists in people's lives, it can have the power to transform marriages and, even, entire family trees . . .


I whole-heartedly cherish this work that I do. Between my parents and grandparents I have inherited a legacy of love and marriage that extends over a 100 years, and it is not lost on me that I have what I have because of those who came before me, because of those who passed it on to me . . . 

. . . And I'm a wedding photographer because I want to help you give that legacy to your children and grandchildren too!




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